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All Aboard!

That's what six year-old Taylor tells his friends when they come to play in his new train playhouse. Taylor loves anything and everything about trains. When asked what he wished for more than anything he knew right away: a train playhouse where he could play with his friends.Make-A-Wish volunteers and community donors immediately went to work creating a playhouse for Taylor they knew he would love.

In fact, it looked just like Taylor's favorite train character, Thomas the Tank. On the day of Taylor's wish-come-true, he was escorted outside to his backyard to find his beautiful train ready to go. Inside he discovered brightly colored furniture, Thomas the Tank decorations, train toys, and an engineer's seat for steering the engine that was just his size.

As Taylor requested, his train also came complete with an area where he could have his therapy treatments decorated in train motif, of course! Now Taylor loves driving his train to many dream destinations, and it was just the break he needed.

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